Individual Therapy & Couple/Family Therapy

Individual Therapy
(Adults and Teenagers)

Individual Therapy is for you if you are experiencing depression, anxiety, grief and loss, social and relationship challenges, anger issues, family hurt or conflict, first-generation challenges, overthinking or excessive worries, life transitions or changes, managing stress, or have a history or has experienced trauma in their life. Individual Therapy can also be for those seeking to increase their understanding of who they are and their purpose, improve social and interpersonal skills, achieve career or personal goals, or just increase life quality through more joy.

Our romantic partners can add significant value to our lives, enrich our daily experiences, and provide support like no other. However, relationships can also have a negative impact on our quality of life, especially if both partners lack the necessary understanding, strategies, and tools to face life's challenges in a caring and supportive manner.
Couples Therapy is for you if you struggle with intimacy and connection, communication issues, infidelity and repairing the trust, arguing and not resolving issues, parenting challenges or adjusting to parenthood, career pressures, and physical altercations.
Couples therapy can also enhance an already strong bond or love. By diving deeper into understanding how to strengthen the relationship and prevent it from deteriorating or by reconnecting to an older, familiar feeling, couples counseling can be beneficial.

Couples Therapy

Family Therapy

The family we are born into is not necessarily our choice. What is our choice is how we support, care for, and love our family, nurture our relationships, and problem-solve issues together.
Family therapy is for those seeking to strengthen family bonds, are experiencing communication and relationship challenges, increase understanding of parents or children, and handle life changes or transitions.